View Badge

Andrew Damp

7th Digital Teaching Symposium 2023

7th Digital Teaching Symposium 2023

Issued by Digital Teaching Symposium

to Andrew Damp

Earned on

Badge Description

@Anthology Inc. certifies that the owner of this badge attended the 7th Digital Teaching Symposium on November 2, 2023. The Digital Teaching Symposium is a full-day event with peer-led sessions on digital teaching strategies. The event brings together educators from around the globe to share and discover innovative uses of technology in the shifting higher education landscape.
#DTS23 #Faculty #Educators #Anthology #EdTech #eLearning #TeachingStrategies #AI #HigherEd #DigitalTeachingStrategies

Skills Attendee

What Was Required to Earn This Badge

  • Conference Attendance
    Registered for and attended the 7th Digital Teaching Symposium held November 2, 2023.

Aligned Internal Outcomes

  • No internal alignments.

Aligned External Outcomes

  • No external alignments.

Badge Evidence

  • No evidence.